I liked it. 3/5
That was funny. It was good for your first flash. Look foward to seeing more. =)
I liked it. 3/5
That was funny. It was good for your first flash. Look foward to seeing more. =)
Thanks =)
This wasnt good...IT WAS GREAT! 3/5
Nice preloader. Music/sound effects went nicely along with it. Awsome this was, Awsome...*talks to self..* The infinate loop music was catchy...=P
thanks. 3/5 is all i was looking for when i submitted this anyway haha
3/5 I liked it...
I didnt think it would be that good as it was compared to the file size. It can be improved by adding some humor and longer flashes. ( You dont have to though ) Look foward to seeing more submissions from you =) Awsome job!
Thank you, those are problems others hae mentioned, I will keep that in mind.
Vist meh site! ^^
Philadelphia University
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 7/6/05