Haha nice flash. I gave it 3/5
It was better then I expected. It was funny. Cant wait to see more flash from you =)
Haha nice flash. I gave it 3/5
It was better then I expected. It was funny. Cant wait to see more flash from you =)
Your sound/music went along nicely with the flash. Practice drawing a bit and it will make a big difference in rating. Good job on this anyway...
It had great graphics. Anime style characters are always cool. It would be cool to see some flash movies from you =) Awsome job!
This is still a great flash animation. I never get tired of watching it. Its like watch me use my random fish power *throws giant fish at you* (Sorry Yes Im Weird...) Laser eyes...Its so cool how he gets out of all his troubles by just rocking to the song at the end. Excellent flash! Excellent flash...
This is very, very strange...VERY STRANGE!
Vist meh site! ^^
Philadelphia University
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 7/6/05